Fun Capers Articles
Posted Wednesday, January 2, 2013 11:47 AM

FROM Sept. 30, 1960

Year Book Party

Nearly 275 attended the annual yearbook party on fri. evening, Aug. 26 (Note: They no longer have a yearbook party.) Fran

 Officers Select Squadleaders

New squadleaders were appointed by the Pep Club officers at a meeting Sept. 7. The officers chose 7 junior girls to fill the positions. The following junior girls were chosen: Sharon Wynn, Suzanne Osborne, Dorothy Hasz, Carolyn Kruse, Melvadeen Saathoff, Connee Stoll, and Mariann Hartig. Each squadleader's job is to see that the nine girls on her squad are in proper uniform and are obeying other Pep Cub rules. Barbara McCurdy, pres. explained the Pep Club rules to all girls in the high school at a meeting on Sept. 2. She also read the constitution and demerit system. She then gave each of the girls a pledge card to sign. By signing it, the girl promises to obey the rules of the Pep Club, to wear the correct uniform, and to yell at all pep assemblies and games. One hundred seventy-one girls had signed the pledge this year by Sept. 13. (Note: There is no longer a Pep Club).

MHS Has 15 Transfer Students

Juniors: Sandra Dick, Sterling, Co.; Mike Frost, Macon, Mo.; Galen Straub, Robinson: and Joe Zutterman, Raytown, Mo.

Singing Groups Announced

The Junior Sextet Includes Sirley Wanklyn, Judy Throm, Frances LeSage, Melvadeen Saathoff, Susan Krug and Stevie Sparks.

FFA Board of Directors  President: Bob Taphorn; Vice Pres. Darol Rodrock; Secretary: Frank Bussman; Treasurer: Richard Musil; Reporter: Gerald Seematter.